Cases: Single-tree Selection

46.179199, -90.464984
Regenerate northern hardwoods species to maintain the northern hardwoods covertype.
46.001667, -90.338583
Introduce more structure into the stand and convert it to an uneven-aged stand.
46.251067, -92.389309
Oak crop tree release to improve timber quality, stand health and mast production for wildlife.
44.600222, -92.625645
Regenerate the mature portion of a lowland hardwoods stand to a young stand of similar composition and improve health and vigor of younger portion of the stand.
46.422387, -92.01315
The silvicultural objective for this area (unit 1) was a crop tree release, improvement thinning with regeneration gaps.
43.201444, -90.66377
Transition from a two aged oak dominated stand to multi-aged northern hardwood stand
Silviculture system

Regeneration and Stand Improvement Results in Bottomland Hardwoods 30 Years after Initial Treatment (MN DNR)

Regenerate the mature portion of a lowland hardwoods stand to a young stand of similar composition and improve health and vigor of younger portion of the stand.

Cover type: Other

Oak Epicormic Branching and Radial Growth after Thinning in Three Native Plant Communities (MN DNR)

Oak crop tree release to improve timber quality, stand health and mast production for wildlife.

Cover type: Other

Improving Oak Timber Quality and Growth through Intermediate Stand Treatments on a Site with Southern Dry-Mesic Oak Forest and Southern Dry-Mesic Oak-Hickory Woodland (MN DNR)

Improve stand health, composition and timber quality through intermediate stand treatments.

Cover type: Central hardwoods

A Single Tree Selection Prescription (State of WI)

Introduce more structure into the stand and convert it to an uneven-aged stand.

Cover type: Northern hardwoods

33 Years of Northern Hardwood Management (Ashland County)

Regenerate northern hardwoods species to maintain the northern hardwoods covertype.

Cover type: Northern hardwoods

Testing a Single-tree Selection Alternative in Northern Hardwoods (WI DNR)

Transition from a two aged oak dominated stand to multi-aged northern hardwood stand

Cover type: Northern hardwoods

Single tree selection: Terra Del Fuego (Douglas Cty, WI)

The silvicultural objective for this area (unit 1) was a crop tree release, improvement thinning with regeneration gaps.

Cover type: Northern hardwoods